جديد المنتدى

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مكتبة تعليم اللغة الإنكليزيّة

المكتبة > متفرقات > Quick Exam

Quick Exam

Test 1

1. We ... for it until we find it.

a) look
b) are looking
c) will look
d) none

2. The sign says NO ENTRY.
A policeman warns you to take it seriously.

a) You can turn here.
b) You can go this way.
c) none
d) You mustn't go this way.

3. He ... you the money if you asked him.

a) will lend
b) would lend
c) lent
d) none

4. "I've just finished", he shouted.
He shouted ...

a) he'd just finished
b) I'd just finished
c) he'd just finish
d) none

5. They just wanted to make ... impresion.

a) the
b) an
c) no article

Test 2

1. Did they interrupt the speaker?

a) Was the speaker interrupted?
b) Did he interrupt the speaker?
c) Has the speaker been interrupted?
d) none answer

2. If the man ... off the ladder, the paint wouldn't have fallen on to her.

a) hadn't fallen
b) didn't fall
c) had fallen
d) none

3. "Have they informed us about the changes?"
The manager asked if ... .

a) have they informed us about the changes
b) they have informed us about the changes
c) they had informed us about the changes
d) none

4. "Did they enjoy it?" Yes they said, they ... .

a) enjoyed that
b) had enjoyed that
c) enjoyed it
d) none

5. If the goods sell as well as we hope, we ... further orders.

a) send
b) won't send
c) will send
d) none

Test 3

1. If she ... into the child, the ice cream wouldn't have dropped.

a) bumped
b) has bumped
c) hadn't bumped
d) none

2. We live in a friendly community and everyone ... each other very well

a) gets up to
b) gets out of
c) gets on with
d) none

3. I was ... with the film. I had expected it to be better.

a) dissapointing
b) enjoying
c) boring
d) none

4. Home shopping is:

a) the way of buying things from agents
b) the way of buying things or ordering them by post or telephone
c) buying things necessary for one's household
d) none

5. If we had a choice, we ... in the country

a) would live
b) live
c) can live
d) none

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